
Austin, TX Quiz App Challenge

launch image of Austin, TX quiz app
Launch image of Austin, TX quiz app Questions and answers page of quiz app Display when the user answers incorrectly Display when the user answers incorrectly Results page of the app
A simple trivia quiz app that tests the user’s knowledge about Austin, TX.
List of technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery)
Link to live app:
Link to repo:

Find A Doc

Landing page of Find A Doc app
Landing page of Find A Doc app How it Works page of the Find A Doc app Display Results page Display when no results are found.
Find A Doc aims to find the best doctor for the user based on their location (city/state), what kind of doctor they're looking for (ie. neurologist, dentist, etc.), and has the option of entering a major complaint they may have.
List of technologies used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (jQuery), RESTful API call
Link to live app:
Link to repo: